Two dudes blogging and podcasting about the San Jose Sharks, straight from sunny California.

post Officially the new best newsy Sharks blog

October 17th, 2007, 2:52 pm

Filed under: blog — Written by Mike

Written by David Pollak, the new beat writer for the Merc. I’ve also added it to the blog roll.
Interesting tidbits of late on that blog (call me you own personal aggregator)

  • Osgood will be starting tomorrow, and not Hasek. Ozzy actually has better stats this year than the Dominator.
  • Matt Cooke was originally suspended for 10 games for leaving the bench for the altercation at the end of the Canucks game, but that was recinded. I’m still wondering how come they had five skaters and a goalie at that point (while on the penalty kill) and Cooke didn’t count as leaving the bench. Who cares? As Joe said, he’s “amusing” and not much more.

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