Two dudes blogging and podcasting about the San Jose Sharks, straight from sunny California.

post Can You See Me Now? – UPDATED

October 23rd, 2008, 8:56 am

Filed under: blog — Written by Doug

There’s been some sort of glitch on this site the past few days, I’m not sure what is causing it.  Some posts that we published are not appearing on the home page of the blog, and some comments too.  Hopefully you are seeing this now, and if you experience any more problems, or see posts disappearing again, please email us at  I guess you’ll have to remember that, because if posts disappear, you won’t be able to read this…

Update: an issue was found with the way the blogging platform was caching pages, so hopefully all issues have been resolved as of now.  Please let us know if any issues persist.

No Comments to “Can You See Me Now? – UPDATED”

  1. I am looking into it but it has me confused as well.

  2. Mike says:

    I think it has something to do with the newsfeed sidebar. On my linux box, I can’t get the new sidebar to appear, even after clearing out my cache and reloading/restarting, and I also don’t see the 5 newest posts.

  3. If you are running firefox 3 try holding the Shift key when you hit the reload icon.

  4. Mike says:

    No better for me or a friend of mine.

  5. bcyde says:

    Yay, I can see new content now. I was wondering wtf was up since it looked like there wasn’t any new content showing up for me since the post after the 1st game against the Flyers.

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