Two dudes blogging and podcasting about the San Jose Sharks, straight from sunny California.

post DOH 458 – Moral Victories

March 22nd, 2021, 1:08 pm

Filed under: podcast — Written by Mike

The Sharks one get one point in four games, and despite some good showings, have taken themselves out of playoff contention.


One Comments to “DOH 458 – Moral Victories”

  1. James says:

    I don’t know how I feel about the last 2 wins. On one hand, great to see Jones playing well and Hertl finding his game. On the other hand, worried that this will convince the organization they should keep Jones and avoid major changes, expecting next year for everything to come together.

    Tey should ship out or buy out Vlasic. Boughner’s been impressive moving him down to #6 defenseman. But he doesn’t have the depth to scratch Vlasic, so there’s only so much he can do.

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