September 25th, 2010, 2:11 pm
Don’t even think about it.
February 12th, 2010, 12:46 pm

Donald who?
True to Doug Wilson form, a move has been made that I think will surprise almost everybody, yet make sense when you hear it. Jody Shelley has been traded to the New York Rangers in exchange for “a draft pick”, according to TSN. This, coming after the Rangers drop Donald Brashear like a bad habit. Given that the Sharks only gave up a 6th round to get Shelley in the first place, it’s likely only a seventh rounder changed hands, but this is primarily a cap-clearing move. Shelley’s $700k, while not onerous, gives the Sharks a little bit more room now that Nic “Nic, the Nickname” Wallin is now in town. While I know the feelings about Shelley’s efficacy on the ice have been all over the map, I personally will miss him a little bit. Sure, he’s not the best hockey player I’ve ever seen, but he seemed like a really good and generous person, and was someone Randy Hahn picked to possibly move into the broadcaster’s booth some day. He could surprise you sometimes, like just this week when he beat Colton Orr into next:
I’m also reminded of the Jumbotron interview when players were asked three things to bring to a desert island. One of Shelley’s choices was “a can of beans”.
So, strong tough man with two women’s names, we wish you the very best. And hope to hear you in the booth some day. Now, we have to think there’s more to come, don’t we?