Two dudes blogging and podcasting about the San Jose Sharks, straight from sunny California.

post Me, the GM

November 19th, 2007, 10:21 pm

Filed under: blog — Written by Mike

I called into Teal Spiel again this past weekend, and spoke a little bit about what I think the Sharks still need. I’ve written about it in this space before, but now you can hear me in my eloquent glory here. Here’s the embedded player again:

Comments welcome.

3 Comments to “Me, the GM”

  1. Can'tStoptheGrier says:

    Another great take by Mikey, getting Shaved Ice some air time. This has been a topic we’ve been talking about for the last week – the Sharks need an agitator.

  2. tkaine says:

    I didn’t realize that was you, Mepex. You beat me to the Tucker referral before I came on for the round table with Randy Hahn. 😀

    BTW, the new official URL for The Teal Spiel is

  3. Mike says:

    I’m glad you guys are hosting the podcast feed now- it’s much more stable than the old way.

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