Two dudes blogging and podcasting about the San Jose Sharks, straight from sunny California.

post Come Join the Dudes Wednesday for the 100th Episode!

May 15th, 2010, 1:24 pm

Filed under: blog — Written by Mike

We’re reaching a truly momentous milestone this coming week on the podcast- our 100th episode.  As promised, we are having it at a public place, so we hope you can all come and hang out with us.  We will be doing it on the Wednesday the 19th, 7pm at Coach’s in Campbell (2240 Winchester Blvd).  It’s a friendly neighborhood bar, great for watching Sharks games.  I actually saw the US-Canada gold medal game there, and it was jumping.  Unfortunately, it’s difficult to stream the thing, but we will be recording everything (and posting the podcast that night, of course).  Come on down, enjoy a beverage or two, schmooze with some fellow Sharks (and DOH) fans, and whittle away a night with no playoff hockey.  Who knows, you might be on the air with us, take home a prize of some sort, or wake up in a ditch somewhere.  It’s all good.

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