Two dudes blogging and podcasting about the San Jose Sharks, straight from sunny California.

post DOH 437 – The World Changes, the Dudes Continue

March 16th, 2020, 12:59 pm

Filed under: podcast — Written by Mike

As the NHL season is suspended, the Dudes remain steadfast, and will still be podcasting.


2 Comments to “DOH 437 – The World Changes, the Dudes Continue”

  1. Ted Pederson says:

    As a future topic how about a deep-dive into Doug Wilson? Should the Sharks re-build with a clean slate?

    There are plenty of pros and cons to discuss. Just for starters:

    * ages of being good / very good (but not great) as a franchise
    * quick turnaround after missing playoffs for 1 year, including
    * unloading of fading players for good returns
    * good hire of DeBoer
    * ability to start to lure top FAs to Bay Area
    * from all appearances, building a culture where players want to play and play well

    * too many big, long term contracts (as a cost of getting top FAs)
    * too little depth as a result of previous item
    * depleted system, and depth, again due to
    * continually trading multiple picks for a single pick on draft days
    * continually trading not only 1sts and 2nds, but in recents years trading 1 and sometimes 2 years into the future
    * basically being painted into a corner with an aging core of players with NMCs and NTCs

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